Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Beach anyone?

This was the wonderful view I was exposed to at the beach today. Not only was I blinded by the light, I was being partially mooned for 2 hours. I understand you want your tush a little tanner but do it in the back yard or something. I find it funny what some people wear to public beaches. I recently saw a girl in a bra and swimming bottoms. I have seen emo kids who wear straight jeans....I know your afraid of the just do everyone a favor and stay inside. Then there are the little fat kids who think that if they wear a t-shirt no one will notice they are fat. Except it just makes them stick out because they are wearing a shirt. I have also noticed a lot of girls wearing un matching tops and bottoms. I don't know if this is a new trend or if everyone is so poor from the shit economy they are simply using what they got, either way, it's tacky. Then every once in a while one is blessed by someone who did something right. Thank you to the tan hot chick with the matching bathing suit for making going to beach worthwhile. (until you find out she is only 16)

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