Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The scoop on poop

Why are people forced to pick up after their animal goes number two? This seems extremely stupid to me. Who the hell picks up wild animal shit? No one! Seagulls fly around all day long taking dumps on whatever is underneath. It is freaking biodegradable. Farms use it for fertilizing. They harvest crap to shoot through a sprinkler all over their yard. And yet anywhere else we're expected to pick up animal faeces and carry it around in a little plastic bag until one can find a trash can. Until someone is washing my car everytime a bird is flying above me, I will leave my dog's crap on the sidewalk, stranger's front lawn, even on someone's car if the circumstances let be. I refuse to scoop poop.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Where can you find a hoopty in Everett?

This is true beauty right here. Although it would be better if Mexicans were driving the car, but this is still good. Not only is this a rice burner, it's two-toned!! Ghetto-rigged of course, see it's two-toned from front to back rather top to bottom. Had the right idea though. The purple wheels are what really spices the car up though. Is that candy paint? I doubt it. Ha this kid had the nerve to take the stock wheels off the car and spray paint them with purple for a red car. Are you high all the time? Then there is the nice dent on the back with the giant band-aid sticker. Where do you find those? Probably Ebay. Haha just spray paint it blue and it will blend right in. Gosh I love Everett....

Thursday, July 15, 2010

White stuff in my hair!

<--- This is me. I went to the hospital last night for a sleep study. Will someone please explain how the hell I'm supposed to sleep like this? Not only did I have five sesors on my face, there were 6 on my head. In my hair. They were put in with this lovely white "paste", as the nurse called it, which was quite similiar to vaseline in my opinion. Ewwww talk about really not being able to sleep. They also had to scrub off my sunless tanner everywhere there was a sensor......so I now look like a leper. Talk about a boss.

Now that ---> was the remote for the television. Are you kidding? As you can see I so nicely sized it up next to my pen. The thing was like a foot long! Is this really necessary? Apparently sleep disorders are side by side with legal blindness. Or possibily elephantitis, I really wouldn't know I can't see out of the side I feel weighs 7 pounds more than the other.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Beach anyone?

This was the wonderful view I was exposed to at the beach today. Not only was I blinded by the light, I was being partially mooned for 2 hours. I understand you want your tush a little tanner but do it in the back yard or something. I find it funny what some people wear to public beaches. I recently saw a girl in a bra and swimming bottoms. I have seen emo kids who wear straight jeans....I know your afraid of the sun.....so just do everyone a favor and stay inside. Then there are the little fat kids who think that if they wear a t-shirt no one will notice they are fat. Except it just makes them stick out because they are wearing a shirt. I have also noticed a lot of girls wearing un matching tops and bottoms. I don't know if this is a new trend or if everyone is so poor from the shit economy they are simply using what they got, either way, it's tacky. Then every once in a while one is blessed by someone who did something right. Thank you to the tan hot chick with the matching bathing suit for making going to beach worthwhile. (until you find out she is only 16)

Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy 4th of July

This is Scooter. Sadly we look like hell and we were both sober in this photo ha. (this is before the taxi)
As much as I thoroughly enjoy blowing shit up......this holiday is dumb. I had more than 5 people tell me they spent over $200 on fireworks, booze, etc. I alone spent $25 for parking in Seattle and $6 on a taxi to actually get to where I was going. Fortunately the retards that threw the party spent a lot of money on vodka :) So thank you King 5, or whoever sponsored the Lake Union fireworks, for a "dazzling" show (Scooter's words not mine) that I'll never remember. I do however remember dancing with a sexy Iranian woman who claimed she was 30......She looked 22. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAnd!!!!!! I am 19. I'm still a baby. There was a 13 year old at this particular party. The other night there was a 16 year old at the party I was at. These instances make me feel old. Which is STUPID. Because I'm not. I'm still not even legal to drink alcohol. Hey children, stay at home and play candyland please so I don't feel old!
On an unrelated note:I miss Matt

Saturday, July 3, 2010

I'm a newbie.

This will be my first blog ever. I was never really into it until one day while I was not wearing my seatbelt and someone in my car told me to put it on or I was going to get a ticket. It really clicked right then. REALLY? I'm putting me, myself, and I in danger and the government can ticket me for that? I reailize it's all a scam for them to get money but I'm sure that the brilliant men we vote into congress could come up with something a little more savvy than that! "You could fly through the window into someone in the other car." I have really heard this as a defense. If ^^^^^ this happens to you....I'm sorry but guess what! It's your time buddy, and if you do wear your seatbelt and it for some reason saves your life......Something else stupid will happen, like overdosing on the ridiculous amounts of pain medication your unqualified doctor is giving you because your good at faking a headache from your car accident.