Saturday, July 3, 2010

I'm a newbie.

This will be my first blog ever. I was never really into it until one day while I was not wearing my seatbelt and someone in my car told me to put it on or I was going to get a ticket. It really clicked right then. REALLY? I'm putting me, myself, and I in danger and the government can ticket me for that? I reailize it's all a scam for them to get money but I'm sure that the brilliant men we vote into congress could come up with something a little more savvy than that! "You could fly through the window into someone in the other car." I have really heard this as a defense. If ^^^^^ this happens to you....I'm sorry but guess what! It's your time buddy, and if you do wear your seatbelt and it for some reason saves your life......Something else stupid will happen, like overdosing on the ridiculous amounts of pain medication your unqualified doctor is giving you because your good at faking a headache from your car accident.

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